I thought ‘what could one slice of pizza hurt’… LOL ARGH… wrong

So it was the super bowl and everyone has pizza while they watch the game. NOT. Or rather I should say not me anymore.

I admit I was jonesing for a thin crust pizza ever since I went on the elimination diet. And I kinda forgot how bad I felt when I encountered food that was full of salicylates.

Crazy me, I learned my lesson. Not only did I end up with what I used to think was a sprained tongue (actually small little ulcers caused by allergies) my glands in my neck area swelled up which are in the supraclavicular lymph node area. I had asked doctors for years why I had swelling in that area. HELLO, I now know it is another symptom of salicylate allergies.

The good news is after suffering a few reminders of why I should not eat salicylates I am back on track. I have more recipes to share soon and I must say that my blood pressure after less than a year without salicylates has really become great. What used to be in the 140s-150s is now down to 94/60 on average with 63 bpm … who knew that salicylates were so influential in our health.

Of course, I am going to work on a Sal safe recipe for pizza or something chewy like it.

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